Sunday, September 30, 2007

granddogs still active

Some people my age have grandchildren to light up their lives. Some have hobbies or passions.

I have granddogs. They are young, mischievious and full of energy. Since they live in St louis and visit only once in a while, I can spoil them without too many consequences.

Nizumi, the German shephard, is a scientist who studies optics, lights and shadows, and saves us all from their evil plans. Seriously, the dog seems OCD when the lights come on. She also hunts and kills paper products.

Elzbie is a calmer more gentle soul who would love to make friends with animals of other species. An unsuccessful but diligent diplomat.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

My Daughters are not all that hostile 2

Here's the pic that I tried to upload an hour ago.

My Daughters are not all that hostile 2

I have two more or less fully grown, adult, mature, intelligent, hard-working, original daughters.
I am proud of them and what they are accomplishing.

First draft in named Margaret.
She recently finished her BA (summa cum laude) at Amherst college. She is currently living in Tuebigen, Germany while she pursues her magister (sp?) and her Boeser Deutcher. She has a little of the Hass style, and a lot of her own. At least I think so, since the satellite delay last time we talked was horrible.

Second edition is named Charlotte.
She is finishing her BA at Washington University, St. Louis. Thus she lives in St Louis now with her husband and my grand-dogs. She has some Hass style too, but the dogs really take after me. Her plan is to become an immigration lawyer. Nizumi's plan is to catch that evil shadow, and Elzbi's plan is get adopted by a family of cats.

Ramon is her husband. He has a plan too, but it is a mystery to me. Something to do with CG and art. As an
Alvarez, any Hass style is purely a phenomenon of contagion.

First draft not all that hostle, just narssicism

I am tired of every one else posting their thoughts, interesting, alarming or pedestrian, on blogs that I haven't time to follow. As a protest, This is my attempt to make matters worse. Eventually, no one will talk to any one else, they'll just blog and blog. Soon every one will just wake up in the morning, grab a cup of java and peruse their daily diet of digital detritus, clicking on the random link until they are all just lost in cyber space.

This is my first attempt at revenge. If I can suck more readers into my world than I read, then the world will be absorbed in my life, wasting as more time than I do.